Tuesday, September 20, 2005
is it wednesday yet? haiku
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
comment spam
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
the kitchen sink
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
an up-in-the-air office building wednesday haiku (literally)
important things to remember
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
wednesday haiku, a recipe
mini mozzerella balls,
balsalmic and oil.
(and fresh basil, and salt and pepper, but that all wouldn't fit) ...makes a lovely summer salad. For more recipes and plenty of vegetable ideas, visit Gourmania.
a whole new world
Monday, August 01, 2005
a brief briefing on my new job
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
disappointments and changing directions
The Boy did not get into grad school. He just found out. I'm super bummed
for him; for not having had the impulse to go before, he really put a lot
of pressure on himself to get in this year. Sucks. Now our lives are on
hold for another year, waiting to see what happens.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
one of those days
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
a post about nothing
I was reading Tequila Mockingbird's archives today (her archives b/c she
has gone MIA of late), and am still supremely jealous of her skills. See
my sidebar for the link, if you're interested in some quality storytelling.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
today is wednesday, right?
Dear, sweet gelato,
Stracciatella, nocciola,
So hard to choose one.
insert previous title here
zippity do da
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
haiku wednesday - are you hiring?
promise not to bring it up
if I get the job
(that was on the many rounds of interviews I've been doing lately)
Friday, July 01, 2005
things that disturb your sleep
Anyway, after a night filled with the drinking and gambling that comes naturally when one is in Vegas, TB had to be up bright and early for an in-house meeting while I got to bury myself under the covers of our king bed and pretend like the day hadn't started yet. One of several things that they do right in Vegas is understand that a) people need to sleep in and b) there are a lot of bright neon lights in that town. As a result, every hotel has great big thick curtains to block out light, sun, a nuclear blast, what have you. So...there I was, safely snuggled up in a giant bed in the world's darkest room, pretty much dead to the world, when....holy mother of god, the loudest siren I have ever heard in my life starts going off above my head, accompanied by a seizure-inducing strobe light. It was deafening...I had to fight the impulse to curl up in a little ball with my hands over my ears in reaction to it, and instead flailed about, literally falling out of the king-sized bed and scrambling blindly about the floor in search of my dropped glasses. The pitch blackness of the room, combined with my own practical blindness and the blaring alarm that filled my head, reduced me to pawing all over the floor like Helen Keller without Polly Thomson. My heart was in my throat from the shock and believing that I was about to be burned alive, and I fumbled in the darkness for my belongings, feeling out my glasses and my cell phone. I ran out of the hotel room in nothing but my pajamas and rushed down the emergency stairwell and out the door.
Of course, since the hotel was filled with conference-goers and and they were already up and dressed and in their meetings, and I wasn't even supposed to be there, much less huddled outside some emergency exit in my jammies, I didn't exactly want to be running around the parking lot shouting for The Boy. Fortunately, everyone else came out of other exits and mine deposited me behind the hotel's dumpster. So, there I was, shrinking from sight, trying to figure out if the hotel was on fire, realizing that I had no way of getting back inside or proving that I was a guest, and wearing my pajamas and clutching my cell phone. I ended up calling The Boy's cell, convinced him to meet me behind the dumpster, and had him let me back into our room when the coast was clear. But...I never did get back to sleep.
over the river and through the woods
So, basically, my weekend consists of me driving to my parents house, all of us driving to my grandma's house, all of us driving back to my parents house, me being guilt tripped into staying longer, and then me driving back to my own house. Phew. Good thing everyone else in America has also decided to spend the weekend in their car. At least we get three days to recover from all that.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
wednesday haiku (and an insight into my job hunt)
To the crucial juncture,
When will they decide?
Monday, June 27, 2005
shout out for pride
sunday brunch
Thursday, June 23, 2005
another wintery summer
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
the people on your team
wednesday haiku
I am actually here
Writing this haiku.
And on time, for a change! Here's another:
Summer solstice brings
delicious rays of sunshine
to my winter heart.
Monday, June 20, 2005
traffic generators
Friday, June 17, 2005
father's day
whispering from above
Thursday, June 16, 2005
crikey - where did my wednesday go?
For the boy who says,
"Mommy, please live forever,"
I only have hope.
Tangled girl with ire,
I am now your favorite,
You tell me, pointing.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
What's up, WSOP!
Monday, June 13, 2005
busy like a bee
Thursday, June 09, 2005
a three stall challenge
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
haiku wednesday call for submissions
thinking of a new haiku
let's hear from the rest
Monday, June 06, 2005
i hate you and i hate your ass face
PS: If anyone in the East Bay area sees a car fitting this description, please take note of their license plate number and email me. You'll get a reward and my undying love and appreciation.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
good for the heart
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
an actual wednesday haiku (or two)
is medicine good
if the drug warnings on it
are worse than the problem?
(Okay, I cheated....six syllables.. you try coming up with a one syllable
word for "problem".)
my sticky fingers
(not in the way you're thinking)
have stolen your jam.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
how about haiku thursday?
Due to circumstances beyond my control (namely craziness and venom being spewed around my office), I couldn't post Wednesday's haiku. Here is one now:
Just because you're pregs,
It's no excuse for bullshit.
Should have said, "I quit!"
Ta-da! A little insight into my sordid life. Now, onto happier things...
A certain someone's birthday is today (no, not me). I just want to wish him a very happy birthday.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
got to pay the bills
at this very moment...
Monday, May 23, 2005
no-no's and public speaking
Had a relatively uneventful weekend. Went out Friday night with The Boy, The Boy's Boss, and The Boy's Boss's Boyfriend. TBBB is eerily like the gay male version of me, so of course we always have a good time when we hang out. TB and TBB are calm and collected types, while me and TBBB like to sit back with our Cosmos or our Stellas and cackle evilly about the people around us. (BTW, given a sighting that we had on Friday night - Men, it is not okay to wear white sweat suits (without undershirts and unzipped halfway down your concave chest), flip flops, gold chains, and/or bad comb-overs when you're going out with your honey. We, unfortunately for our poor burned retinas, saw all four disasters on the same guy. I had a compelling urge to follow his date into the bathroom to try to talk some sense into her, but restrained myself with the knowledge that she most likely had to be on drugs to be out with that guy and no one can rationalize with someone who is that cracked out.)
The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet, ran some errands to prepare for TB's upcoming birthday, went to a friend's going away party, watched the season finale of CSI which we had taped from the other day, helped TB with a project he is working on, -oh- and I had my reading! I am, by nature, a very fast talker (not really a smooth talker, though, unfortunately), particularly when I get nervous, so I was all paranoid that I would just eat my words when I had to get up in front of everyone and read my piece. I was so worried about this that I wavered up until the last second over which piece I would actually read - the better ten minute one that could become achingly long if no one was into it, or a very brief piece that would be over as quick as a sneeze. I opted for the longer one in the end, partly because everyone else who was reading took their sweet time and partly because an old friend had shown up and I didn't want her to have wasted the trip just to hear me read for thirty seconds. It went well, I think. I managed to speak slowly (for me) and didn't lose my place and actually made people laugh a few times (btw, screw you woman in the front row who kept playing with her hair). TB made a video of it, but quite frankly I don't think my ego can handle watching it. I think I'll choose to remember it my own way.
Friday, May 20, 2005
pretending like I didn't miss haiku wednesday
That, in my fog, I forgot
The Wednesday haiku?
Thursday, May 19, 2005
a literary meme
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? I would pick the Bible, just to fuck with people. You know that someone's still going to be all about burning it and some other people would stop to protest. It would be gratifying to make people on both sides of the equation stop to think about what they're doing.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Heck yeah. I grew up reading Cynthia Voigt novels and other pre-teen romantics. I'm sure there were many heroine's crushes who I crushed on, as well.
The last book you bought is: "Still Life with Woodpecker" by Tom Robbins
The last book you read is: "Slouching Toward Bethlehem" by Joan Didion
What are you currently reading? "Still Life with Woodpecker" and the advertising book "Hey Whipple, Squeeze This"
Five books you would take to a deserted island: The Bhagavad Gita, Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein (been sitting on my shelf awhile), The Art Book, War and Peace (gonna get my money's worth here), Gone with the Wind (I've read it before, but it's 1024 pages of repeatable entertainment).
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
is this thing on?
Anyway, see how my brain doesn't work? I was talking about the weather and then I launched into the sad dream about my turtle. I wonder if people who have really important jobs and duties have days like this. That's kind of worrisome, actually. What if you had to have surgery and your doctor was just like, "umm, well, I'm feeling kind of out of it today, so Nurse's Assistant Bubba here is going to be my right hand man through this and hopefully we'll get you all stitched up just fine. Now, Bubba, where'd I leave my keys?" Yeah, makes you feel real confident, doesn't it.
Monday, May 16, 2005
here and now
listening: The Shins- "Oh Inverted World"
watching: "Meet the Barkers" on MTV
Sunday, May 15, 2005
weekend tidings
Friday, May 13, 2005
the geek within
Thursday, May 12, 2005
for the foodie in all of us
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
all points south
Due to arriving back in town with a bad bug, I never managed to write anything about the vacation I went on recently. I have, however, been finding myself telling people all about it, so clearly I should share it with y'all. As I mentioned before, The Boy and I had a whirlwind trip to the Mojave Desert, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles a few weeks back. First, we went out to the Mojave, where a friend of ours has a grant, more or less, to do some work out there with the National Parks Service. She was originally supposed to be on a dig, but plans changed after she was already out there and she's now doing surveying/mapping type stuff and just generally wandering around exploring and taking notes and pictures. Our friend picked us up at the Las Vegas airport around 7:30 that Tuesday night and we stopped and had dinner at a little Cuban restaurant on our way out of town. By out of town, I mean, out of civilization; we drove on the highway for about 35 minutes, passing some podunk little gambling spots, until we came to a random off ramp where we exited the highway and the paved road. The house where she's living is approximately 40 minutes off-road, down narrow little dirt pathways that really shouldn't be called "roads" as they are rocky and uneven and filled with both wet and dry gullies from earlier rains. By the time we got out there it was dark, and the only things lighting our way were our jumpy headlights and a partially full moon, which just barely illuminated the little rabbits darting back and forth in front of the car as we made our way into the preserve. Her house is on a piece of land that used to belong to a cattle rancher and there are boarded-up outbuildings surrounding the property. Creepy in the daytime, even creepier in the dark. The house doesn't have a phone line or internet access and cell phones don't work off of the paved roads. They have power, but only via a generator, which they turn off at night. All clocks have to be battery powered, as a result, and she only stocks non-perishables in the fridge.
--Intermission (ie: I'm at work and have to accomplish things for a little while). Will post more later.--
learning the life of meme-ing
Are you more…
01) In a shower where you can’t get the temperature just right, likely to set the temperature to hotter than you like or colder than you like? Hotter! Even if it's so hot it turns my skin pink, keep cranking!
02) In a restaurant (that you MUST eat in) where they can’t get the spiciness just right, likely to order the food spicier than you like or blander than you like? Blander, I'm generally a spice wuss.
03) A person who sleeps soundly or a person who sleeps very lightly? I sleep so lightly, it's ridiculous.
04) Aware of your prejudices or believing that you have no prejudices? Aware.
05) A great neighbour to have or an undesirable neighbour to have? I'm a fabulous neighbor; I bake and I grow produce, both of which I like to share.
06) Believing that people, as a species, are capable of a lot more than we think or believing that people, as a species, simply are what we display now? Uhh...I think answering this question might require me to be the former, but I may be the latter.
07) Likely to throw a drunk idiot out of your party or likely to mutter quietly and just not invite them again? I would never throw myself out of my own party. That's just silly.
08) Yourself when around adults or yourself when around children? Always myself, except around teenagers.
09) Into the 12-grain whole wheat bread or into the regular white bread? I like a good 6-grain. 12 is just crazy talk.
10) Someone who couldn’t go 3 months without beef or someone who couldn’t go 3 months without chicken? Chicken – it's just so versatile! Although, three months without a cheeseburger is an awfully long time.
comments free-for-all
fabulous new trick
I've just discovered a nice little feature of Blogger that I didn't even
know about before - you can post via email! Yay! Not that makes much of a
difference for people who want to be able to post while they're on vacation
or something, because if they don't have web access to use Blogger then
they probably don't have access to email (unless they're the Blackberry
sort of folks). However, for those of us who like to blog from work, this
is fabulous. No more big blaring web page announcing Blogger or that my
blog has posted, or anything like that. Now, I can just send a discrete
little email to myself!
Monday, May 09, 2005
survey revisited
weekend happenings
Friday, May 06, 2005
it must be five 'o clock somewhere
Thursday, May 05, 2005
my ratio
goings on
listening: my favorite mix cd w/ plenty of Postal Service
watching: Sin City
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
haiku wednesday
If a blogger blogs,
And no one is there to read,
Where does the work go?
full house - no, the other kind
Anyway, last night, The Boy was again fiending for a few hands of Hold 'Em, so I offered to play him for a little while after dinner. The game went on kind of slowly for a while; we'd take turns stealing each other's blinds or catching weak winning hands. At one point, I was getting pretty short stacked and I thought I might be done for...but then it happened, the Poker Gods looked down favorably upon me, the little girl who just wanted to be allowed to play their game. Long story short, I kicked his monkey ass myself. Once I had gotten a clear chip lead, I offered to end the game so that we could go to bed (it was getting late), but he insisted that the game wasn't over until someone was cleaned out. At that point I had no choice but to sic not one, but two full houses on him and thus relieve him of all his chips. So, haha. Who says girls can't play?
one of five
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
fingers crossed
Monday, May 02, 2005
baby cakes
my unknowing debut
Friday, April 29, 2005
the land of the living
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
sick sucks
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
eight hours and counting....
making my voice heard
Friday, April 15, 2005
friday afternoon sleepies
Thursday, April 14, 2005
work sucks, let's all go home
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
phew, again
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
new tools
Monday, April 11, 2005
getting closer
Friday, April 08, 2005
dear old dad
Anyway, about six months or so ago, I had a long snaking crack in my windshield that kind of made me uneasy, so I had my dad take care of the details and we went to the world's sketchiest auto glass shop in the Central Valley to have it replaced. If my dad hadn't been with me, I probably wouldn't have even rolled down the windows there, much less gotten out and waited on the curb on the lawn furniture that counted as a waiting room. Not too pricey, but still more than anyone wants to have to spend. The latest trial of my car, however, looks like it will cost a lot more. It's reached the 50,000 mile mark and the wheels/brakes squeal like stuck pigs. It'll no doubt need new brake pads, hopefully nothing more (like repairing the brake drum, or whatever you call that part that rubs up against the pad). I've been on the phone/web to various auto repair places and dealerships in the area, trying to confirm costs and schedules, all while calculating in my mind just how far in debt this latest bit of repair will put me. Well, I guess my dad could sense the nervousness in my voice the 20 or so times I called/emailed him to get his advice (perhaps that was the giveaway) and has generously offered to take the car in and pay for whatever work needs to be done on it. Thank goodness for dads, they're the best.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
interesting sites to check out

Sunday, April 03, 2005
I want your opinion!
*ed. note: survey link fixed now.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
last post of the night
rest in peace
On the issue of the Pope's death, I find myself a little more torn. On the one hand, I recognize that he was a major spiritual leader for a large percentage of the world's population, on the other hand I completely disagree with the political and social viewpoints of the Roman Catholic church. From their condemnation of homosexuality and gay marriage, to their stance on birth control and female reproductive rights, I am stongly at odds with the perspectives of leaders of the Catholic church. The main thing that I admired about the late Pope was his stance on war, and on the need to end human suffering in the face of war. For that, I pay my respects.
A recent death that has been eclipsed by the death of the Pope, but is being felt strongly in my little world, is that of comedian Mitch Hedberg. He was an incredibly funny man, whose star was on the rise, and who will be missed.
drama for your mama
learning new tools
let the money start rolling in
Friday, April 01, 2005
finally, no more left-handed burger mess
and we're off!
Thursday, March 31, 2005
catching up to me
Monday, March 28, 2005
don't forget your waitress
Thursday, March 17, 2005
belated ouches
Dr: So, did you notice any swelling when you hurt your foot?
Me: Um, no. Well, I don't think so... I was wearing flipflops all day, so it could've swelled and I wouldn't have really felt it, but no, I don't think so.
Dr: Okay, did you notice any bruising afterward?
Me: No, no bruising.
Dr: Okay, let's look at your other foot to compare them.
Me: (taking other shoe & sock off)
Dr: Hmm....there's swelling and bruising.
Me: Oh, um, yeah. Sorry, I guess I'm kind of unobservant.
The doctor told me that I had sprained my foot, shouldn't have been walking around on it, should've instead been icing it and whatnot, and thereby prohibited me from walking around on it for the next four days. Sweet. Hobbling around in an ace bandage is exactly what I wanted to do this weekend. At least it wasn't as bad as the time I got a really wicked sunburn right before a dermatologist's appointment.
Monday, March 14, 2005
a step toward civil rights
enjoyable rarities
On Sunday, I enjoyed a lovely sunny day in San Francisco. I met up with a couple of girlfriends and we had brunch/lunch at a cute little restaurant in the Marina, then walked down to Fisherman's Wharf where we sat in a little secluded courtyard and drank beers while listening to a folk guitarist perform. From there, we strolled/battled tourists down to Pier 39, where we were so overwhelmed by the crowds that we decided to just go back to the marina and lay out on the grass on the Marina Green. The afternoon was capped off with a trio of beautiful pedicures, a welcome treat to walking-weary feet. A common chorus heard in the clear, warm day: "I can't believe I live here!" San Francisco just can't be beat on nice Spring afternoons.
Friday, March 11, 2005
research and trivia
two for two
Thursday, March 10, 2005
blogging in boredom
blogger going bonkers
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
my sally field
Monday, March 07, 2005
winners and losers
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
before the firing squad
Monday, February 28, 2005
relationships and their antidotes
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
a face for radio
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
is there an echo in here?
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
a voice from the void
Presidents Day
Thursday, February 17, 2005
The 100 Things project
1) I like bubble gum ice cream
2) I don’t have tonsils
3) I have forgotten more languages than most people know
4) I bite my cuticles when I’m nervous
5) I need lots of sleep
6) I am not a cyborg, but I know some people who might be
7) I love all animals
8) I have a pet turtle who will probably outlive me
9) I am an omnivore, but I try not to feel too guilty about it
10) I hate the sound of people eating popcorn in movie theaters
11) I like old musicals
12) I was a tomboy
13) My current favorite color is a pale robin’s egg blue
14) Nothing is as refreshing as watermelon juice
15) I’ve been to 47 of the United States
16) I am a liberal
17) I am a feminist
18) I do not think ‘liberal’ and ‘feminist’ are dirty words
19) I admire Anna Quindlen’s nonfiction writing
20) I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, even though I am grown up
21) I love Pablo Neruda
22) I am highly skeptical of people when they tell me I’m wrong about something
23) I am rarely wrong
24) I can kick your ass at Boggle
25) I rock Trivial Pursuit
26) I am bad at keeping in touch with people
27) I am the queen of care packages
28) I do not support war
29) I do “Books for Soldiers” (check it out: www.booksforsoldiers.com)
30) I am in love with my boyfriend
31) I am scared of long-term commitment
32) I have a dry sense of humor
33) I always walk to my car with my keys in my hand
34) Every new season is my favorite
35) I am a great cook
36) I heart NY
37) I could never settle down anywhere but California
38) I love to watch jellyfish swim
39) I am a closet hypochondriac
40) I never thought I would be one of those people with a shitty desk job, but I was wrong
41) I have a mean streak, but for entertainment purposes only
42) I played defensive tackle in high school
43) I cry just about every time someone cries onscreen
44) During the “Friends” heydays, I was known as the Phoebe of my group
45) I have an affinity for plants and flowers
46) I have sensitive skin
47) My stomach just can’t take roller coasters
48) I dread cleaning, but I love a clean house
49) Sometimes I think that I’m pretty close to figuring things out
50) I love water, but I’m a terrible swimmer
51) I bleed blue and gold
52) Saturday is my favorite day of the week
53) I’m going to make a fabulous mother some day
54) Like every other girl, I too went through a photography phase
55) Just because I’m from California doesn’t mean I’m Barbie
56) I’ve ruined Apple Martini’s for myself
57) I prefer email to talking on the phone
58) I think that puppies influence my biological clock more than babies do
59) There are some losses that I will never get over
60) My birthday makes me squirm
61) I love all holidays
62) I’m trying to donate to Locks of Love (check ‘em out: www.locksoflove.org)
63) I’m too disorganized to use my Palm Pilot
64) I appreciate snarkiness
65) I like to eat my vegetables
66) In my cd player right now: the “Garden State” soundtrack
67) The latest movie I saw: “In Good Company”
68) I’m currently reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
69) I like the smell of clean laundry; my year living above a Laundromat was smellerific
70) I’m a shower kind of girl
71) I have a brother, we are nothing alike and I’m not sure why
72) When I was a kid I thought that everybody would always be nice
73) I’m better at writing about others than about myself
74) I like to make jewelry, but only the first earring in a pair
75) I love to look at houses
76) I believe in questioning our leaders
77) I am amazed by people who are very directed with their lives
78) Falling flower blossoms are just about the prettiest thing on Earth to me
79) I can be really lazy when no one is looking
80) I’m addicted to the news in all its forms
81) I appreciate good gossip, even if it’s about people I don’t know
82) Sometimes I wish I had more willpower, and by more I mean any
83) I used to take great delight in being outrageous, now I only enjoy it periodically
84) I like to make people laugh
85) I have a terrible memory
86) I really wish I could surf
87) If you wake me before my alarm clock, I will not be your friend
88) I can’t stand the smell of eggs
89) I sunburn easily
90) I have become good friends with my parents
91) I dislike people who always have to have the last word
92) I think people should look forward more to their marriage than to their wedding
93) I am learning to cope with death so that I can help others learn to do the same
94) I remember celebrities names and personal information with alarming clarity
95) I never remember to do anything unless it’s made it onto a list somewhere
96) I am not religious
97) I will get my first tattoo with my grandchild on their 18th birthday
98) I have a temper
99) I prefer dark chocolate
100) I will die of something random at a ripe old age (see for yourself: www.okcupid.com/death)
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
bottoms and other works of art
Thursday, February 10, 2005
big mouth
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
writing again
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
still laughing
"If you fall into the subset of corduroy-pants enthusiasts who also have concerns about aerodynamics and crotch heat, there is a new locally designed trouser for you. Lindland's Cordarounds, with world headquarters in Fort Mason, has just designed horizontal corduroy pants. Claiming benefits such as silent stalking and drag reduction, frictionless Cordarounds can even lower the heat in your loins by up to 22 percent. You can't get that with your father's vertical cords. Men's styles are available immediately, and the company plans to reduce chafing for ladies this spring. "
funny wisdom at work
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
favorite new music
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
it's like i'm making up for lost time or something
A sampling of my favorite things that are Green (in honor of today, which felt like Spring):
mint-chip ice cream
my frog socks
my turtle (tho' her color is debatable, but I'm smitten with her, so she'll end up on most lists of my favorite things these days)
green M&Ms (there's something about the green ones)
ferns and/or moss
green tea